Friday, 25 June 2021

Reading animation

Salam bloggers

  Our reading teacher Mrs Jones showed us a slideshow In reading we had to have partners to work on animations with our partners. Me and my buddy did Volleyball. Volleyball was made in America  or you could call it USA. Volleyball is a game played by men and women. At school boys play it and girls. Sometimes they play girls vs boys to see who is better. Me and my buddy had our own teams in the animation sadly in the animation my team lost. 


  1. Assalamulaikum, my name is Ibrahim from New Windsor School. Your animation is really good! It must have taken a long time, since you have 135 slides! Are you good at animations?

  2. Assalamulaikum, my name is Huzaifah I appreciate that you liked me and my buddy's Volleyball animation. Do you know how to play Volleyball? Do you like to play Volleyball? Volleyball is good exercise. Thanks for reading my blog

  3. Assalamulaikum, My name is Swaimah. Huzaifah I really like how you made an animation of Volleyball, because Volleyball is my favourite sport. How did you do so many slides? Did you do the animation in one day or a week? I really like how you describe where Volleyball was made and What was you buddy's name?

    From: Swaimah Safi


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